Spotlight Series: Kainoa McGee

This week's Spotlight Series feature is a Waterman that is highly respected on any type of wave riding craft, from Bodyboards to Surfboards to Standup Paddleboards. He charges big waves and has help pushed the boundaries of what can be done on a wave craft. He is one of the Wave Slide Culture's living legends and has also been and continues to be an influence to a generation of wave riders. It is our honor and pleasure to present our Spotlight feature of the week, Kainoa McGee.

Photo: Unknown

Name? Kainoa Kalama McGee

What got you in wave riding? We were raised at "Da Wall" in Waikiki at it was just a natural thing.

Photo: Danny Black

How long have you been wave riding? Since I was 5 years old

Amateur or Professional? Amateur and Professional

What’s your go-to board size and shape in any condition? Bodyboard is 50 inch in length 22 1/2 in width 12 inch nose, 18 inch tail.

Favorite board color combo? Bodyboard= red deck, white top rail, black and white double rail

Favorite Breaks (Can choose not to disclose/reveal these breaks, but just be general, i.e. Mexico, Portugal.)? Pipeline and Bowls

Photo: Unknown

Favorite Video part in movie that you were in? FuManchu

Wave riders you looked up to growing up? Anyone you considered a Rival to you? I looked up to Kavan Okanagan, Keith Sasaki, Buttons, Dane Kealoha, Tom Carroll, Gerry Lopez, Michael and Derek Ho.

How do you feel when your fellow Peers consider you a legend when it comes to being a Waterman? I'm absolutely honored but also worried that it's a nice way to say I'm getting old but they respect me a lot and don't wanna say it's because I'm old hahaha.

Photo: Joseph Libby

Any word of advice for up and coming wave riders? Train your ass off and be a student of the game. It's very important to understand the legacy that was introduced to the world by Duke Kahanamoku and understand that you are part of perpetuating this amazing culture and history that has been passed down by the royal families of Hawaii, the ALI'I. 

Any projects that you have coming up that we should keep an eye out for? Yes. There are alot to talk about so look out for the relaunch and rebranding of on which we will be announcing all the new projects we're working on as we launch them. The 2 things to look for coming soon are #mcgeebrand and a partnership with a board company. Soon to be announced. Also a book called "J.D. Clemente presents a storyographii- Kainoa Kalama McGee: My Life My Way, a Hawaiian Waterman's Journey"

Any shout-outs to friends, family, sponsors? Much mahalo's to my wife Joy for putting up with all of my bullshit over the years. My 2 beautiful daughter's Kailiponi Pi'ilani McGee and Kekaikuihala Koleka McGee, Nana and Grandy and the rest of my family, friends, loved ones and last but definitely not least, my amazing fans. Without all of these people all of my dreams would just be dreams. Thanks to them I was able fulfill a lot but not all of them. I'm still working on that but we will get it done together #strongertogether.