Spotlight Series: Thomas Gaulke

We are back again with another great addition to our long list of Spotlight Series riders. This week we are honored to have Thomas Gaulke participating in our Spotlight Series Q & A. Please take the time to get to know his story and maybe he may offer insight to parts of the wave riding game that you've always wondered about. 

Photo: Eric Schnitzler


Thomas Gaulke Instagram: @thomasgaulke

What got you in wave riding?
My move to Hawaii in 91-92 when I discovered Banyans in Kailua Kona and tried to fit in with the TBCBanyans Crew.

How long have you been wave riding?
Off and on for since 92-93. In 1998-1999-ish I had some family issues where I had to take a 12 year hiatus before getting back into the sport.

Amateur or Professional?
Was an Am from 09 and then Turned pro for Toobs Bodyboards in 2015.

Photo: Eric Schnitzler

What’s your go-to board size and shape in any condition?
My go to setup is my Gaulke Toobs template 41" ultra thin Carbon Core single stringer. I've used it in all conditions from Portugal to Tahiti. It handles.

Favorite board color combo?
Despite being heckled by Josh Shelly about what looks best in photos board wise I normally go for all black setups with light skin bottoms. Might toss in an off colored tail piece occasionally.

Favorite Breaks (Can choose not to disclose/reveal  these breaks, but just be general, i.e. Mexico, Portugal.)?
Hands down Mugu in Cali... People know where it Is but access is limited. Despite what people think about the crowds and general craziness of the North Shore I keep going back. Pipe is fun but my heart sides with backdoor, best ramps I've ever gotten. Recently I would have to say Nazare in Portugal. Place is a skate park and is just really unique. Lastly I'd say a spot called Jetty.

Photo: Marc Goodnough

Wave riders you looked up to growing up?
It would begin with the Banyans crew, all of them. They took my scrawny haole ass in and made me apart of their family. Challenged me yet took care of me. Keawe Alapai was one of the most influential. He schooled me in all aspects of the ocean and acting right in and out of the water, that guy had the heaviest DK snaps. Surfing with Shane Dorian always stuck with me, guy was always humble and had the best vibes despite being such a big name. I'd say a turning point for me was meeting Mike Stewart ( for all obvious reasons) at the HASA Banyans comp one year. I wont forget I was leaving the contest and ran into him on the side of the road when I was trying to hitchhike home. He was on his way to a spot infamous on the big island called the HASH and let me tag along, Ill never forget that. Paul Roach's NF 1 part.... Life changer. Lastly I'd say anyone I have met over the last few years, every rider pro or not has had an impact on me in one way or another. Specially Jeff Hubbard, competing against him at the HASA nationals at Ala Moana Bowls in 96 - 97. I went into that comp #1 from the Big Island thinking my sh!t didn't stink, man he knocked me down about a hundred pegs when I got destroyed! Always admired his riding.

Any words of advice for up and coming wave riders? 
Don't fit in with the status quo. Wave riding is an expression of who you are and how you feel. At the end of the day how you feel about what you are doing in the water is what should matter.

Since you’re from the Central Coast of California, what are your thoughts on the coast and the wave riding scene there?
It's tough to really explain my take on things without ruffling some feathers. Cali is so different from anywhere else I have ever been. It can be an amazing place for waves (when we have them) and is so multicultural. I am not a particular fan of the extremely bad blood between sticks and boogs though. I came from a time where bodyboarding was so big nation wide. Everyone wanted to travel to Cali and surf wedge and the spots the NF guys were riding and just be apart of that scene. Times change whether we like them or not and right now its for the lack of better words very fragile out here. There are a core group of riders that are keeping things handled below the radar for the west coast, keep eyes peeled for the Alt Surf project in the works. In case any of you older riders were wondering Jacob Reeve still holds it down in Cali! Haha.

Any shout-outs to friends, family, sponsors?

Wouldn't be here without my Mother's support and love for my passion. Many thanks to Dusty, Jonny, Keawe, Landon Gaspar, Speedy, Matt Meyer, Danny Brundle, Arec, Belz, Willy Petrovic, Tommy P, Adam Dumas, Bobby Kithcart, Tahurai Henry, David Tuarau, Alvino and all the Tahitians, Evan Fa, Dave and Jeff Hubbard, Mike Stewart, Brandon Clark "uncle trappy", The Wedge crew, Chris Taloa, Seabass, JMV, EricSchnitzler, WITHIN FILMS, Jamie Rose, Corio, Novy, Micha, Ewan Donnachie, and any other close friends I may have left out nothing but love for all you guys. Special thanks to Josh Shelly for putting me on Toobs and always being a brutally honest close friend, Pat and Buzz at Toobs Bodyboards, Limited Edition Fins, and of course Ryan and Deb from Alternative Surf bodyboard shop for all the amazing support and love over the years.