Spotlight Series: Marck Botha


Name? Marck Botha (Instagram: @marckbotha)

Where are you from? Born and raised in sunny Durban, South Africa.

What got you into becoming a photographer? I have always been aware of the unique perspective that you get when wave riding. I always imagined trying to capture it and share its beauty with people. Then a friend of mine got a cheap hp water camera, had so much fun playing with that in the shorebreak, I was hooked, and soon after that acquired Gopro.

How long have you been shooting/doing wave/wave riding photography? I have been a wave riding for over 20 years, but only seriously got into water photography in the last 6 months. My elder brother, Andre, is one of the best wave riders in the world, and about 2 years ago I started shooting him from the shore. While I enjoyed the photography side, I didn’t like missing out on the action in the waves, so now I am able to combine both.

What is your ideal set up when shooting? My Gopro, in conjunction with knekt trigger. The very small set-up allows you to capture the most unique angles and perspectives and for shooting action shots its hard to beat the frame rate of a Gopro.

What cameras are at your disposal? I have an old school Canon but for water photography, which is my main passion, I only use my Gopro.

Favorite breaks to shoot?(Can choose not to share the exact name of the break, but please just be general i.e. Baja, Mexico, Hawaii, South San Diego) For photographing shore breaks, my favourite spot is right in front of my house as it probably has the heaviest shorebreak in Durban. I really enjoy shooting my friends and older brother, or even just shooting empties of the waves when it’s big and smashing on the dry sand. Up the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal also has some pretty amazing beach breaks, with some amazingly clear water.

Shout outs? To anyone who has enjoyed my pictures or supported me on my journey thus far, - even if it’s just people letting me know they like my work, or that it inspired them to start surfing or be in the ocean more. A big thank you to my parents and family who have always given me amazing support and believed in me. And a special mention to my older brother, Andre and his wife, Trish, who both have endless support and belief in me and have always, pushed me to do more. Also to my mates Jamie Whitson and Nick Smith for the early morning missions and sharing ideas and tricks of the trade.

Sponsors? Haha! Can I say my parents, and older brother (Thanks Andre!) ?

Any words of advice when getting in wave/wave riding photography? Just get in the water and shoot what you love. Enjoy and absorb all the beauty and it will show in your work. Try to capture your own view, not one you have seen before.