Call Two Arms.

This is a re-blog from our friends at
Please read and respect the ocean.
"For all you wave riding hypocrites".

Now back up for one second and soak that in. So before you go looking for me in the water to give me your two cents, or two fists for that matter, understand I'm trying to bring light to the problem of dirty beaches and oceans to whoever may be listening. Now as wave slider's we all want to live a healthy lifestyle, which includes protecting our beaches. But do we really want clean beaches? A part of me says, "fu¢k yeah", but a deeper part of me inside says, "fu¢k no"! Why? Every time I'm at the beach or in the water I see garbage piled up and people walk by it like it's not even there.

I like to tell people about an idea I have for picking up trash while on the way in and out of the water. When I explain it, people get really stoked on the idea and amped about supporting the beach cleanup cause. But, I rarely see anyone pick up a piece of trash these days; it’s like the idea crashes into oblivion like a good south swell at Wedge. Do people have short memories? Or, just DGAF? It bums me out that the people who spend the most time enjoying the water give a $hit the least when it comes to conserving this natural resource.

So this is a call 2 arms, yes YOUR arms to reach out and pick up that piece of trash you see in front of you and throw it away. I propose a "one in one out" rule for anyone who dare to take on this never-ending challenge. Before you go in the water, and before you step out of the water, pick up just one piece of trash; I dare you. I mean after an epic session what better way for you and the boys to keep the positivity going than helping keep our beaches clean.

I'm done with my rant for today. What do you guy's think? I would appreciate any feedback on this piece, whether you agree, or disagree. Thank you to Coastal Playground for giving me the platform to speak.
