Spencer Skipper: Cereal Killer

Check out the footage of a younger Spencer Skipper in Tom Boyle's film "Cereal Killer"

Manny Vargas has a Podcast: BoogLIFE

One of the legends of the sport of bodyboarding has started his own podcast on Patreon called BoogLIFE. On the BoogLIFE he's going to be bringing you content from interviews with some of the best wave riders in the industry to photographers and whoever's who in the industry. Support Manny Vargas and the BoogLIFE by checking out the link below.

Surf therapy for veterans with PTSD

Netflix recently introduced a short documentary about Operation Surf, a California-based charity for military veterans struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and physical injuries. "Resurface" tells the story of Bobby Lane, a veteran who was on the verge of suicide before finding surfing, an outlet that gives him some peace. The moving short explores a unique solution to the growing veteran health crisis.

Trailer below:

Review of the film can be found on the DailyDot

Spotlight Series: Les Morales

This week's Spotlight Series feature, we are excited to have fellow wave-rider and photographer, Les Morales! His work can be found on Surfer Magazine and has new projects on the way for BackCountry.com and the GoreTex TransAlpine run. Read on and get familiar with Les!

Photo: www.lesmophoto.com

Les Morales
Santa Barbara, CA / Lucca, Italy

Website URL:


What is your current set-up/gear that you use?
I shoot with Canon cameras and SPL water housings.

Any favorite lens? Why?
Unlike most photographers, I don’t have a favorite lens.  Some lenses re more useful than others but photography is art which means that it is subjective.  It depends on what I’m working with.

Photo:  www.lesmophoto.com

When you’re on travel, what do you commonly bring along?
These days when I travel, I try not to bring any gear with me unless it is a photo specific trip.  It’s hard to enjoy a trip when you are too focused on taking photos—so for that reason I leave it at home.  (Shooting a bike race in Italy I’ll bring the stuff I’ll need)

Tell us when your interest of surf photography first began.
In 2011 I had an $800 tax refund and I had no real desire to get into it.  I simply wanted a camera since I had never owned one before.  I had a good amount of free time and so I just got into it that way.

Photo: www.lesmophoto.com

Outside of surf photos, what other forms of photography do you enjoy?
I absolutely love shooting long exposure and landscape stuff.  I just love being out away from everything with a friend or two taking photos of the stars at night and having a good time.

What are your thoughts on the current state of surf photography?
It’s a great scene and I’m stoked to see so many people getting into it but unfortunately digital is making it very competitive.  I see a lot of kids out there with nice equipment that get good really fast.  There are still a lot of professionals that set themselves above the rest but it’s crazy how much the industry has progressed—especially with the rise of social media.  I work with Surfer Magazine and the amount of submissions the editor gets is obscene now.

Photo: www.lesmophoto.com

Whose work has influenced you the most?
There are a few guys.  Morgan Maassen is a friend of mine and his creative perspective on surfing is so unique and dramatic. I really also admire Chris Burkard and the great lengths he’ll go to capture beautiful images and lastly Zak Noyle.  He has been really supportive and he provides great advice to me all the time when I need it not to mention he was the guy who got me connected with Surfer Magazine so big thanks to Zak!

Most surf photographers are also wave riders themselves. What’s your style of wave-riding? Tell us how you got into that style and any inspirations that may have been a contributing factor.
I love surfing and skimboarding.  I always have a hard time deciding if I want to charge or take photos!  I like surfing because there truly is nothing better than riding water and just doing long and hard carves on the face of a wave.  I love shorebreak and heavy barrels which is why I also like to skimboard.

What are your go-to board’s (Surf, Bodyboard, Skim, SUP, Paipo, Handplane, etc.) size and shape for certain conditions?
In the wintertime I’ll usually stick to one of my J7 boards.  I just got a 5’8 J7 Whatever.  Pretty thick and not too wide.  It’s perfect for point breaks around in Santa Barbara.  In the summer time when the surf is smaller, I usually head south to Malibu and Orange County to skim.  My friends founded Exile Skimboards and they are literally the best skimboards in the world—so I’ll usually bring one of my Medium Small Exile Paulo Prietto Pro model for fast barreling waves right on the sand.  On the bigger sets I’ll paddle out on my catch surf and just mess around on some closeouts

Favorite Breaks or Surf Spots to shoot and surf (You canan choose not to disclose/reveal these breaks, but just be general, ex. Mexico, Portugal...)?
There are a couple spots in SB that you can find some really fun lefts so I like to surf those but I do like a good point break like Rincon and Little Rincon.  As for shooting, I will shoot anywhere in SB and Ventura County!

Words of advice for up-and-coming photographers? Things that you wish you knew when you first started taking photos, how would you educate yourself to take better pictures, etc.
Don’t just stick to surfing.  Find something else to shoot that you also enjoy and you will bring over some new skills and techniques!

Photo: www.lesmophoto.com

Any projects that you have coming up that we should keep up an eye out for?
I’m working with Backcountry.com on a pretty cool production project that is coming out next month! I’m also traveling to Germany next month to shoot the GoreTex TransAlpine run.

Any shout-outs to friends, family, sponsors?
Shoutout to Urban Barrels, Letspartytraction, and Backcountry—they have all been supportive of my photography career!

Photo: www.lesmophoto.com

Photo: www.lesmophoto.com

Photo: www.lesmophoto.com

Photo: www.lesmophoto.com

Staying' Pitted

Who ever said that you couldn't make a living off surfing? The "Get Pitted" Huntington Beach surfer from the 2002 has since made his own waves by opening hist surf shop, Get Pitted Surf & Snow Peep Fox LA's story:
 Memories of getting so pitted:
Full story here

Spotlight Series: Gavin Iwai

The Spotlight Series is back! In this Series we like to share some of our Spotlight with wave slide culture enthusiasts from around the world. This week we are spotlighting a wave rider from Hawaii. So in this Spotlight Series we would like to introduce, Gavin Iwai. Read up on him below.

Photo: Zack Dougan


Gavin Iwai

Where are you from? 

Kaneohe, HI

How long have you been wave riding?

Since I was about 10 years old

Photo: Ryan Beppu

What got you into wave riding?

Just love the ocean as a whole. If itʻs an activity with water, Iʻm game.  Getting barreled and pitted has got to be the best view/feeling in the world.

How long have you been riding?

Since I was about 10 years old

Amateur or Professional?


What's your go-to board (surf,bodyboard, paipo, handplane) size and shape in any condition?

Bodyboard, 40", Crescent Tail, Double-Stringer with Mesh. Science Bodyboard Pro styles are my favorite. 

Favorite board color combo?

Anything mixed with black (my favorite color)

Favorite Breaks or Surf Spots (Can choose not to disclose/reveal these breaks, but just be general, ex. Mexico, Portugal...)?

Sandy Beach, Makapuʻu and Renex

Are there any wave riders you used to look up to growing up? Anyone you considered a rival to you? 

Mike Stewart. No rivals here.

Photo: Sash Fitzsimmons

Any word of advice for up and coming wave riders?

Just enjoy life and be happy, especially in the lineup. Patience is key, especially when trying to perfect a trick. Try and try again. 

Any projects that you have coming up that we should keep up an eye out for?

No upcoming projects. I mostly just ride for the thrill of it. Feeling the stoke each and every time.

Photo: Shane Gracey

Any shoutouts to friends, family, sponsors?

Sandy Beach Surf Crew (they know who they are), Mynakyne Clothing Co., True Honor, and HIdentity

We just wanted to give a special thanks to Gavin! If you wanted to follow more on Gavin check out his Instagram at @oceannmotion  . Also if you would like to get featured on our Spotlight Series, just send us an email to info@okshoots.com

Dance Dance Longboard Revolution!!!

I've always associated longboarding with downhill skating. However, across the Pacific, South Koreans are "Seoul-stylin" on longboards like a dance competition! Check out the clip below and read the full article from skategoldcoast.com

Case of the Mondays

It's Monday and we decided most wipeouts during our surf sessions feel like the Mondays. So peep SurfLine's worst wipeouts of 2016, featuring commentary.

Andre Botha at Skeleton Bay

Enjoy the following video clip of Andre Botha just shredding and enjoying life at Skeleton Bay. For more on Andre Botha and what he's up to, check out his Instagram @andre_botha_662