Spotlight Series: Gavin Iwai

The Spotlight Series is back! In this Series we like to share some of our Spotlight with wave slide culture enthusiasts from around the world. This week we are spotlighting a wave rider from Hawaii. So in this Spotlight Series we would like to introduce, Gavin Iwai. Read up on him below.

Photo: Zack Dougan


Gavin Iwai

Where are you from? 

Kaneohe, HI

How long have you been wave riding?

Since I was about 10 years old

Photo: Ryan Beppu

What got you into wave riding?

Just love the ocean as a whole. If itʻs an activity with water, Iʻm game.  Getting barreled and pitted has got to be the best view/feeling in the world.

How long have you been riding?

Since I was about 10 years old

Amateur or Professional?


What's your go-to board (surf,bodyboard, paipo, handplane) size and shape in any condition?

Bodyboard, 40", Crescent Tail, Double-Stringer with Mesh. Science Bodyboard Pro styles are my favorite. 

Favorite board color combo?

Anything mixed with black (my favorite color)

Favorite Breaks or Surf Spots (Can choose not to disclose/reveal these breaks, but just be general, ex. Mexico, Portugal...)?

Sandy Beach, Makapuʻu and Renex

Are there any wave riders you used to look up to growing up? Anyone you considered a rival to you? 

Mike Stewart. No rivals here.

Photo: Sash Fitzsimmons

Any word of advice for up and coming wave riders?

Just enjoy life and be happy, especially in the lineup. Patience is key, especially when trying to perfect a trick. Try and try again. 

Any projects that you have coming up that we should keep up an eye out for?

No upcoming projects. I mostly just ride for the thrill of it. Feeling the stoke each and every time.

Photo: Shane Gracey

Any shoutouts to friends, family, sponsors?

Sandy Beach Surf Crew (they know who they are), Mynakyne Clothing Co., True Honor, and HIdentity

We just wanted to give a special thanks to Gavin! If you wanted to follow more on Gavin check out his Instagram at @oceannmotion  . Also if you would like to get featured on our Spotlight Series, just send us an email to