Spotlight Series: Noah Wright

This week's Spotlight Series features wave rider Noah Wright, who hails from the Big Island of Hawaii and charges waves whenever he gets the chance. Enjoy the feature on a wave rider you might be hearing from soon.

Name? Noah Ikaika Manawelea Wright (IG: @nativewrights)

Where are you from? Big Island, Hawaii

What got you into the sport? Ever since I first got barreled on a wave, I’ve been hooked ever since. 
It’s such an indescribable feeling.

How long have you been wave riding? I have probably been wave riding since I was born, haha. Let’s just say it’s been pretty much my whole life.

What's you board size and preferred core/stringer combo? I like to ride a 42” Polypropylene Core (Parabolic based) Single Stringer

or Professional (Prone, Dropknee, Surfing, Surfmat, Bodysurf, etc.)? I consider myself to be an Amateur Underground versatile rider that loves prone or Dropknee style.

Favorite Breaks (Can choose not to disclose or reveal locations)? Rockpoint, Waipio

Any words of advice for up and coming wave riders? The best rider out there is the one having the most fun.

Shout outs? Shoutouts to @ravantoptics for always hooking me up with top of the line lenses.