Spotlight Series: Adam West

For this week's Spotlight series we decided to highlight Shaper, Adam West of Westside Boards. Adam specializes in the classic old fashion way of shaping boards from wood. Again we would like to say Mahalos to Adam and we hope you enjoy this week's Spotlight series and please visit

Name? Adam West (yes really)

Where are you from? Ventura, California

Name of your brand or who you shape for (website/Instagram/Facebook)?

Westside Boards
INSTA & TWITTER @westsideboards

How long have you been shaping? I’ve been shaping surfcraft for about 5 years now

What got you into shaping? Originally just for fun.  I’d been working with Surf Inspired furniture before that and the progression was pretty natural.

What types of boards do you shape? High Performance Bodysurf Handplanes and Paipos built from sustainable sources.

Any words of advice for those individuals getting into shaping boards? There’s never enough shapers.  Inspiration is everywhere.  Just get your hands dirty and you’ll surprise yourself with what you can create.

Shout outs? Well, for sure Ed (@enjoyhandplanes) and Gary (@brownfish) – these 2 are owed a ton of gratitude from the wave slide culture.  They've put whomping on the map for so many people and have redefined STOKE. 
Also – all of the friendly surf shops that carry our boards.   Sustainable Alternative Surfcraft is a niche within a niche - and I’m grateful for those that believe in our message.