Name? Bobby Kithcart
Where are you from? Redondo Beach, California
What got you into the sport? Seeing a picture of Jay Reale drop knee riding on an old Morey Boogie poster my older cousins had hanging in their garage. They are the ones who also got me into wave riding along with my uncle.
How long have you been wave riding? Most my life.
Amateur or Professional (Prone, Dropknee, Surfing, Surfmat, Bodysurf, etc.)? Underground all of the above.
What's your go-to board size and shape in any condition? A combination of shapes from my favorite riders (Barba, Severson, David Hubbard) wrapped into one. About 42" tall. Shaped by the master craftsman PMA.
Favorite Board Color Combo? Whatever my mood is at the time and whatever will last the longest.
Favorite Breaks (Can choose not to disclose or not reveal locations)? Hollow beach breaks. Anywhere on Planet Earth.
Any words of advice for up and coming wave riders? Wave riding is a lifelong journey. Set achievable goals, stretch, wear sunscreen and show respect to those who deserve it.
Shout outs/Sponsors? My family, my mentors at the beach, Custom X @customxboards, PMA @pmacustoms, Phase One, SOL Clothing @solclothingusa, Jus Poke @juspoke, and OKShoots for this opportunity!
(Photo Credits) Jeremy Phillips